Travel Press Release
Travel to Key West, stay at The Gates Hotel, and eat on the beach… Not ever have I longed back to a vacation destination more than to those I went on last year. In specific one that I haven’t even shared with you yet… Part of me doesn’t want to share it, because I don’t want everyone to go there, but on the other hand, how can I not share this little piece of heaven on earth. Plus, it’s one of those perfect destinations for when you are traveling with little ones…
After our so loved stays at the EDITION Hotel in London and Miami, it couldn’t be long before planning a stay-cation at the freshly opened EDITION Hotel in New York. With a prominent spot in one of my favorite New York areas, a Clocktower as its “landmark”, and those endless photo walls – a signature of the EDITION Hotels interior design – it promised to be an amazing weekend “in” at our beloved second home: New York. It’s time to share the long awaiting review of our stay with the kids The New York EDITION!
A photo speaks a thousand words. No wonder we used to make the most beautiful photo albums from family vacations and other memorable happenings in our lives. But things have changed. Those photos still say more than words can ever do, but films got replaced by digital cameras, time became more limited, and in the end photo, albums are just something our parents used to make…
I was one of those people who printed films, made photo albums, and send post cards from tropical destinations. Nowadays I upload photos to two different group apps on my phone so that our families know what we are up to, I carry around a digital camera too to make sure every “moment” is captured, but those photo albums remain unfinished.
Before winter set foot in New York, I jetted off to the Maldives to get my winter tan on, but more importantly, to take part of the Vaara Wellness retreat hosted by billionaire wife Tatiana Korsakova. And don’t get me wrong, no negative intentions referring to her as a billionaire wife, it’s the truth, and this is definitely what enabled her to put her dreams into reality. Because let’s be honest, she took the traditional “press lunch to the next level” flying out UK press, wellness specialists, and International influencers to her favorite resort in the Maldives, to enjoy daily private yoga classes, vegan food, and dinner on the beach. This is not something just anyone can do, but Tatiana could, and she did. Resulting in a once-in-a-lifetime yoga experience!
After a month of traveling for work, I can finally say I’m here for a while and truthfully, there’s nothing better! Don’t get me wrong, I obviously love the traveling part of my job – I wouldn’t go away from my kids if I didn’t believe it was for something good – but the airplane life isn’t me… Every time I step on an airplane, I try to improve my airplane-routine so that I arrive freshest and as rested as possible, but I haven’t mastered it yet. So now, my body has a month to recover until the next flight, which will be by the way, with the kids! But later more on that. Today is all about spending time as a family. The older the kids get, the more they blend into my work-life. It’s easier to travel with them, I can bring them with me, and they are the perfect little faces to practice my photography on.